Chaturbate payment proof

Update: Our most up to date earnings report is here. Go check it out!

chaturbate payment proof

Hi, my name is Alba Fabiola, i’m from Colombia, 22 years old, and i started working for Chaturbate 3 months ago. i wanted to publish a Chaturbate payment proof, so other cam girls could see that you can really earn money.

I didn’t have any previous experience at all, and currently i can only broadcast 1 hour a day, because i have another job and i get home really tired. Despite of that, i managed to earn more than 300 dollars so far, and every time i earn a bit more.

If things go on like this, i will have to consider seriously to become a full time cam girl, because i prefer this than spending 8 hours or more in an office.

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First days were a bit tricky, because i didn’t have any customers, and with so little time it was hard. After a few days i started to earn money and i was really having fun. I think one of the keys for new perfomers is to use properly both the apps and bots available.

Use them to let your audience know what your demands are and how much they have to pay to see them satisfied. At first it may look a bit complicated, but trust me, if you look into it, you’ll learn to use apps and bots really quickly.

chaturbate payment proof

Here’s my Chaturbate payment proof. It’s a screen capture of my Payoneer account so you can see my current earnings. ( October 23rd 2014 ).

Oh and that’s not all, because once the current pay period ends, i will earn another 150 dollars, that are stored at my Chaturbate account. I think you can earn lots of money doing this and if you are a newbie like me, don’t worry, just think of the money you can earn.

If I’m earning that much, somebody with more experience and more time available could make much more.